On the minimum ergodic average and minimal systems





We prove some equivalences associated with the case when the average lower time is minimal. In addition, we characterize the minimal systems by means of the positivity of invariant measures on open sets and also the minimum ergodic averages. Finally, we show that a minimal system admits an open set whose measure is minimal with respect to a set of ergodic measures and its value can be chosen in [0, 1].


Time average , minimum ergodic average , minimal systems
  • Pages: 457–466
  • Date Published: 2022-12-21
  • Vol. 24 No. 3 (2022)

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How to Cite

M. Saavedra and H. Villavicencio, “ On the minimum ergodic average and minimal systems”, CUBO, vol. 24, no. 3, pp. 457–466, Dec. 2022.


