Foundations and elements of self-defense




Legítima defensa, Causas de justificación, Derecho Penal, Código Penal Peruano, Código Penal Chileno


The aim of this article is to elucidate how the dual foundation of self-defense is expressed through the objective and subjective elements of justifying circumstances through a comparative study between sections 4, 5, and 6 of article 10 of the Chilean Criminal Code and article 20.3 of the Peruvian Criminal Code. The article concludes that the subjective element is an expression, to a great extent, of individual legal protection, while the objective element, mostly, is an expression of socio-legal protection. This research seeks to contribute to the understanding of self-defense, at the level of comparative law between Peru and Chile, from the foundations that make it possible to the elements that constitute it.

Author Biography

Sergio Manuel Andrés García-Muñoz

Bachelor of Law from the National University of Trujillo, Peru. Administrative Assistant of the Supra-Provincial Criminal Prosecutor's Office Specialized in Human Rights and Interculturality of the Fiscal District of La Libertad. Coordinator of the Criminal and Criminal Procedural Area at the Civil Association Inquisitio Essentia Ius.



How to Cite

García-Muñoz, S. M. A. “Foundations and Elements of Self-Defense”. En Las Fronteras Del Derecho, vol. 2, Oct. 2023, doi:10.56754/2735-7236.2023.3186.


