"Poetry is a blessing and a curse at the same time." Interview with the Mapuche-Williche poet Jaime Huenún Villa


  • Rommy S. Martínez Venegas Universidad Autónoma de Chile


The following unpublished interview presents the conceptual notions of poetry developed by the Mapuche-williche author: Jaime Huenún Villa, which was developed during 2004, in the context of writing the undergraduate thesis of Professor Rommy Martínez Venegas, which it was directed by Dr. Hugo Carrasco Muñoz at the University of La Frontera.

The analysis indicates that his poetic corpus accounts for a literary project of a mestizo and universal character, his work being particularly relevant: Puerto Trakl (2001) with which he obtained the National Poetry Prize "El Joven Neruda" in contrast to his predecessor text: Ceremonias (1999). The author was recently recognized as the Jorge Teillier National Poetry Prize by the University of La Frontera in 2020.



Poet, Mapuche-williche, Jaime Hunún Villa, Puerto Trakl, ethnicocultural discourse.



How to Cite

Martínez Venegas, R. S. . (2021). "Poetry is a blessing and a curse at the same time." Interview with the Mapuche-Williche poet Jaime Huenún Villa. Revista De Lenguas Y Literatura Indoamericanas - Antes Lengua Y Literatura Mapuche, 21(1), 78–86. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufro.cl/ojs/index.php/indoamericana/article/view/2532