Subject(s) and objetc(s) in tikuna


  • María Emilia Montes Universidad Nacional de Colombia
  • Nelly Moreno Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México


In this article, a first approach to gramatical relations is presented, mainly that concerning the subject and object marking. We start with an otuline about the existence of a middle voice in Tikuna grounded on the differential subjet markin of certain verbs, a fact that poinst to the existence of Split intransitivity features in this language. After that, we collect and discuss some proposals about the object encoding with different morphological marks (Facó-Soares, 2000; Montes, 2004; Skilton, 2016). We propose certain precisions and details to study this problema in a typological frame, using data from our fieldwork. The anomacy hierarchy and the semantics of a limited number of verbs, define the selection of casual marks (or the no-marking) of the object.



How to Cite

Montes, M. E., & Moreno, N. (2023). Subject(s) and objetc(s) in tikuna. Revista De Lenguas Y Literatura Indoamericanas - Antes Lengua Y Literatura Mapuche, 24(2), 1–28. Retrieved from