Linguistic ideologies behind the minorization of Mapuzungun in Virgen Misionera, Bariloche


  • Carolina Paula Drexler IIDyPCA-CONICET-UNRN


This article presents an analysis of linguistic ideologies about Mapuzungun inspected in  Virgen Misionera neighborhood, in the city of San Carlos de Bariloche. It wants to provide categories that are useful in order to understand the dynamics of retraction and recovery of the language in the neighborhood, for which it considers the processes of iconization, fractal recursivity and erasure described by Irvine and Gal (2000). At the same time, it presents the role that neighborhood history plays in shaping these ideologies. In this way, the ideologies that hinder the implementation of revitalization spaces in the neighborhood context are identified based on surveys performed among young students and interviews with residents of that space.



How to Cite

Drexler, C. P. (2023). Linguistic ideologies behind the minorization of Mapuzungun in Virgen Misionera, Bariloche. Revista De Lenguas Y Literatura Indoamericanas - Antes Lengua Y Literatura Mapuche, 24(2), 59–76. Retrieved from