Los espacios significativos para la socialización lingüística en el discurso de jóvenes mapuche. Un acercamiento desde la investigación cualitativa


  • Fernando Wittig Universidad Católica de Temuco
  • Matías Hernández


This article aims to characterize significant spaces for socialization in Mapuzugun from the reflective discourse of Mapuche youth who study higher education in Temuco. Based on a bibliographical review of recent sociolinguistic studies, there is a need to incorporate elements of qualitative research in the study of this phenomenon and a reformulation of the concept of domains of linguistic use. The following spaces are characterized: community, school, church, family home, university, residence hall, city and countryside. The role of the residence hall in the identification and socialization dynamics among indigenous undergraduate students is highlighted.

Key words. meaningful spaces, language socialization, Mapuche youth, Mapuzugun



How to Cite

Wittig, F., & Hernández, M. (2017). Los espacios significativos para la socialización lingüística en el discurso de jóvenes mapuche. Un acercamiento desde la investigación cualitativa. Revista De Lenguas Y Literatura Indoamericanas - Antes Lengua Y Literatura Mapuche, 19(1), 82–100. Retrieved from https://revistas.ufro.cl/ojs/index.php/indoamericana/article/view/929