Mapudungun y tipología de los eventos de movimiento


  • Rodrigo Becerra Parra Universidad de Concepción


In this work I study the expression of motion events in mapudungun. The purpose is threefold: to describe the lexicalization of motion in mapuche language; to explore its place in the typology; and to discuss the adequacy and the scope of the existing typological proposals. In doing so, I take into consideration the seminal work of Talmy (1985, 1991, 2000a), the proposal of Slobin (2004), and more recent revisions. The work consider data elicited by means of the Frog Story methodology (Berman and Slobin 1994.) The analysis shows that mapudungun can not be considered as a verb-framed nor a satellite-framed language, nor does it correspond completely to an equipollently-framed language (Becerra 2015.) By the contrary, our data provide further evidence of intra-typological heterogeneities, and challenge tha possibility of extrapolate generalizations based on ideal types.

Keywords. Motion events, typology, mapuche language, equipollent type, revisions.



How to Cite

Becerra Parra, R. (2017). Mapudungun y tipología de los eventos de movimiento. Revista De Lenguas Y Literatura Indoamericanas - Antes Lengua Y Literatura Mapuche, 19(1), 118–140. Retrieved from