Somatotype of an urban female school population from the Araucanía region, Chile.


  • Luis Ávila Doudeau Programa de Magister en Educación Física, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile
  • Catalina Dávila Ramirez Programa de Magister en Educación Física, Universidad de La Frontera, Temuco, Chile


Body composition, Somatotype, Schoolchildren


Objective: To describe the somatotype corresponding to the urban female population aged 10 to 14 years in the Araucanía region. Methods: A sample of 69 female students from urban educational institutions was recorded. The somatotype was evaluated using the equations established by Heath and Carter. Results: The highest frequency of age was 10 years, with a predominance of the mesomorph somatotype at this age. Likewise, the predominant somatotype in subcategories according to distribution was endo-mesomorph. Similarly, this subcategory is the most frequent in terms of percentage and age (10 to 14 years). Conclusion: The results suggest that the urban female student population aged 10 to 14 years in the Araucanía region presents an endo-mesomorph somatotype.


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How to Cite

Ávila Doudeau, L., & Dávila Ramirez, C. (2023). Somatotype of an urban female school population from the Araucanía region, Chile. Revista De Educación Física Y Calidad De Vida, 2(1). Retrieved from