Second Call for Papers


Bridges for English as a Foreign Language Teaching (UFRO) invites teachers, researchers, and students to send their original articles for the third volume.


The editors welcome the contributions for publications (in Am. English) that fall into the following areas and categories on topics related to TEFL in La Araucanía Region or nationwide.


Areas in the TEFL:

  • Teaching methods, material, strategies or techniques
  • Testing and evaluating language learning
  • Design and Application of CLIL
  • Culture and literature in language teaching
  • Design and Application of CALL
  • Gamification in Language Teaching
  • Language learning acquisition
  • Language skills development
  • Classroom centered research



  • Classroom Experiences (considered a reflective essay from 500 - 600 words)
  • Sharing Resources (1.000 - 2.000 words)
  • Research Articles (4.000- 5.000 words)


Submissions deadline: July 12th, 2024.

  • All the manuscripts are issued to, the editors-in-chief conduct the selection process and give them to the editorial review board. The whole review process normally takes more than four months.


  • For more details please visit the following links:


Check list: