Learning strategies in the English subject in adult education in the region of Araucanía


  • Ana Catrián Colegio Virtual de Chile
  • Vanessa Trejo Colegio San Joaquín – La Serena

Palabras clave:

Learning strategies, cognitive dimensions, socio-cognitive skills, task-based learning, cooperative learning, andragogy


This mixed study seeks to identify the Learning Strategies of the English Language of Adult Education Students to later determine the most effective methods of teaching the English language in this area, evaluating the relationship between variables such as gender and ethnicity within the sample, through the application of questionnaires to Integrated Education Center for Adults.

In the qualitative field, a design called basic qualitative study was used for teachers of the English subject, in addition to a sample of 154 students distributed in three educational establishments belonging to Temuco Education Centers. Results in the quantitative area, in the gender variable of the survey answered by students, showed that neither males nor females had important attitudes in any of the factors (school responsibility, social cognitive skills, academic ability, personal aspects). On the other hand, interviews with teachers show that less effort can motivate students and improve their learning process in English.

Finally, this work is expected to help future or current teachers to consider learning strategies for adult students and the most efficient techniques to be developed in the classroom.






Classroom Research